Masoala National Park
Sustainable Development

Renewable electricity for free


Chez Arol Eco-lodge provides free hydroelectricity to villagers. More than one hundred people of Ambodiforaha enjoy free electrification of their homes, public lighting and fountains. . Each beneficiary signs a contract with the water and electricity Users Association, in which it undertakes to comply with nature conservation Malagasy laws. The Ecolodge chez Arol has also adopted this clean energy, available 24h/24.
Villagers Marine Reserve
Our Marine Reserve

A School for the Community

" Everything starts with Education"

Ambodiforaha School
Since 2007, AROL Ecolodge is supporting the small school of the village, in close cooperation with Education Ministry and the locals who initiated this project. The Ecolodge is covering the teacher's salary. Members of the local community are looking after a marine reserve that's just in front of the Lodge.
Managing natural ressources



Objectives : fisheries, tourism, education,

Partnership between the local Community, Ecolodge chez Arol, fisheries Ministry, WCS .

Fishermen get much more fishes.

the Local Association Alamaitso earns one US Dollar each time that a guest goes snorkeling…

Children swin and play in this ptotected marine area without disturbance.

expected outcome
Towards food self-sufficiency

"Protecting is important
Eating is more important

small dam

How to increase rice production in the village ? Late 2007, a dozen little dams and canals were created with a view to allow inhabitants to increase their rice crop. Villagers are hoping for a 50% crop increase. In return, they've been asked to stop slash and burn (an illicit technique in the Masoala Park), and to no longer cut trees on the edge of the ecotouristy forestry trails.